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Guia de compra de tecnologia para animais de estimação final

We keep pet owners current on all sorts of useful pet tech for their favorite furry friends, from devices like smart feeders and self-cleaning litter boxes to intelligent trackers and activity monitors. There are many ways technology can help owners keep an eye on their pets, interact with them from afar, and ensure they are healthy and happy.


  • Keep your pet’s health a priority
  • Consider how your pet interacts with food
  • Look for audio communication
  • Make sure your pet cam can move
  • Look for the right ways to track your pet
  • Pet devices can also help clean up messes
  • Introduce new gadgets slowly
  • Picking the right tech brands Show 3 more items

But how do you know what tech is right for you and your pet? We’re covering pet tech from a broader perspective, with advice on what to look for if you want devices that will improve your pet’s life. You have plenty of options, but these tips will help you make the right choices when it’s time to buy!

Keep your pet’s health a priority

Pet tech works best when it can improve the life and health of your pet. We’re not just talking about keeping your pet busy or distracted during the day (although there’s definitely room for that). Pet monitoring, for example, often includes activity tracking to ensure your pet is getting enough exercise — especially if they have weight loss goals. Trackers may also be able to tell how restless your pet is when they’re trying to sleep, or in the case of some litter boxes, how often they may be trying to go to the bathroom.

Other pet tech can also improve pet health: Timed food release can make sure your pet is eating the proper meal sizes. Pet fountains can encourage them to drink more water. Automatic thrower toys can teach dogs to fetch and retrieve balls even if you aren’t actually there, giving them the exercise they need. There are plenty of options to help address issues or make sure your pet is living their best life.

Likewise, there may be some tech that you will want to avoid, depending on your pet. One example is automatic laser pointers on devices. These can provide a distraction, but curious pets may end up looking straight at the laser and damaging their eyes.

Consider how your pet interacts with food

Lots of pet tech revolves around eating. The Petcube Bites 2, for example, not only watches for your pet but allows you to launch them a treat. Automatic feeders, meanwhile, are designed only to provide specific portions of food at certain times. But it’s important to match the food-friendly tech with your own pet.

For example, if your pet needs to lose weight, then you’ll want to focus more on activity monitors than toys that can launch treats. There are also plenty of internet videos available of pets attacking their automatic feeders — often successfully. If your pet is a little too obsessed with their food, choose a feeder that is both well-armed against claws and teeth and is not easily shoved or thrown across the floor.

Look for audio communication

If you are looking at pet cams or similar devices, consider ones that include two-way audio communication. Not all pets will be able to recognize their owner’s voice easily from a speaker, but they can generally tell that something is happening and are happy to investigate. That can make pets feel cared for and allow you to announce feeding times or just tap in and say that you love them. Fortunately, two-way audio is now standard on pet cams, so the feature should be easy to find.

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Make sure your pet cam can move

If you’re getting a pet cam, get one that can move. Both broad rotation and digital zoom are valuable features to have. Pets are often on the move or difficult to spot unless you can swivel the cam around to find them. This is one must-have feature you’ll be thankful for when exploring what you can do with your cam — or when worrying about just what your pet may be up to at any given moment.

Look for the right ways to track your pet

Pet tracking has never been smarter and is particularly useful if you have a dog that loves jumping the fence or a cat that likes slipping out the door when no one is looking. Look for pet trackers that allow you to set geofencing so you can get alerts when pets have left a certain area. For serious trail and walk tracking, make sure to choose trackers that use GPS for the best results.

If you don’t really mind if your pet comes and goes, consider a pet door or pet flap that can sense when it has been used so you always know if your pet is indoors or outdoors. If you live in an area with other critters, get a door that uses tech to ensure it will only open for your pet.

Pet devices can also help clean up messes

Não se esqueça dos dispositivos que podem ajudá -lo a limpar os pêlos de animais, rabugentos e pêlos. Os aspiradores de robôs são uma excelente maneira de garantir que os pêlos de estimação nem sempre estejam formando coelhos de poeira sob seus móveis. Outros aspiradores são classificados especificamente para pêlos de estimação, com acessórios projetados para ajudar a limpar as camas de estimação ou outros pontos de descanso favoritos. Enquanto isso, os purificadores de ar podem ajudar a reduzir o pão de estimação no ar para aqueles que podem sofrer alergias.

Apresente novos gadgets lentamente

Às vezes, os animais de estimação podem ficar nervosos em torno de novos dispositivos, especialmente se eles fizerem barulhos ou iluminarem de maneiras inesperadas. Não espere que seus animais de estimação entendam ou gostem imediatamente deles. Dê-lhes tempo para se acostumar com isso, configurando dispositivos em uma área não ameaçadora e incentivando a exploração. Recompense os animais de estimação por experimentar ou responder à nova tecnologia.

escolhendo as marcas de tecnologia certas

Quando se trata de reconhecimento da marca, suas escolhas dependem dos recursos que você deseja e quanto deseja pagar, mais do que qualquer empresa específica. Nosso conselho principal é procurar marcas que existam há pelo menos alguns anos e tenham mais de um produto. Esta é a melhor maneira de garantir que seus dispositivos tenham o apoio de que precisam no futuro. As startups de animais de estimação e o financiamento coletivo têm muitos dispositivos interessantes, mas é importante escolher uma plataforma que fornecerá suporte confiável nos próximos anos.


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