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Os melhores aplicativos Android para Abril 2022

Os mais novos smartphones no mercado vêm carregados com uma série de recursos à direita da prateleira, mas para aproveitar ao máximo o seu novo dispositivo, você terá que dar um mergulho no vasto mercado de aplicativos de terceiros. Desde o lançamento da Google Play Store, os aplicativos têm se aprofundamento e melhorando a experiência do smartph1. Existem aplicativos para tarefas diárias como balanceamento de um talão de cheques ou cálculo de uma dica, bem como aplicativos relacionados ao trabalho crucial que trazem plataformas de comunicação empresarial, todos os principais nomes nas mídias sociais, e muitos mais para o seu dispositivo Android.


  • Essentials Android
  • Filmes e vídeos
  • Música e áudio
  • Notícias
  • Esportes
  • Mídia social
  • Mensagens
  • Namoro
  • Leitura
  • Blogging
  • Jogos
  • Nutrição, cozinhar e alimentos
  • Fitness e saúde
  • Auto-aperfeiçoamento
  • Finanças e dinheiro
  • Compras
  • Viagens e eventos
  • Saindo
  • Desempenho do dispositivo.
  • Edição e gerenciamento de fotos
  • Documentos, Web e E-mail
  • Produtividade Mostrar mais 17 itens

Com quase 3 milhões de aplicativos na loja do Google Play, os usuários são mimados por opção e pode ser um pouco esmagadora. Fizemos o trabalho de montar uma lista dos melhores aplicativos Android em várias categorias para ajudá-lo a escolher os melhores aplicativos para sua vida diária. E se você está procurando por jogos, confira nossa lista dos melhores jogos Android.

_If Você tem um iPhone da Apple, então confira esses guias úteis: os melhores aplicativos para iPhone e melhores jogos para iPhone.

Essentials Android

O Facebook

2 bilhões de pessoas podem estar erradas? A maior rede social do planeta tem um aplicativo oficial decente. Mantenha-se com seus amigos e familiares, pule em chats instantâneos e fique informado com notificações push. O melhor de tudo, o Facebook não é apenas um lugar para compartilhar conteúdo roubado de Reddit e Twitter, já que o maior site de mídia social do mundo também foi enviado para seções para namoro, compras e vídeos. Emparelhe com o Messenger para o melhor ato duplo.

Google Play


É provavelmente the app Android, então é provável que você já tenha o YouTube - mas isso não torna menos essencial. O aplicativo móvel do YouTube é elegante e intuitivo, trazendo a totalidade do site de compartilhamento de vídeo para a palma da sua mão. Para aqueles inscritos no YouTube Premium, você terá acesso a todo o conteúdo premium, bem como recursos especiais, como reprodução de áudio enquanto a tela estiver desligada. Mas mesmo quando usado como aplicativo gratuito, o YouTube é essencial.

Google Play


Às vezes injustamente visto como a menor versão do Facebook, o Twitter é o lugar onde tudo parece acontecer instantaneamente. Baixem da faceta agora-onipresente, a hashtag, o Twitter é o melhor lugar para se você gosta de estar no topo das últimas notícias que acontece. Siga seus criadores de conteúdo favoritos, atores ou loucos, e siga todas as notícias, impressões e opiniões enquanto elas rolam.

Google Play

Página inicial do Google

Se você está gastando mais tempo em casa do que o habitual, você pode finalmente ter tempo para chegar a esse projeto conectado em casa que você sempre jurou. Se você é o orgulhoso proprietário de um dispositivo inicial do Google, então você já conhece os e outs de um assistente digital. O aplicativo do Google Home leva este passo mais longe, permitindo que você controle uma infinidade de dispositivos domésticos inteligentes conectados. Ele também serve como um comando central para qualquer dispositivo conectado ao Google e suas contas conectadas pelo Google, como mapas, contatos, calendários e muito mais.

Google Play

filmes e vídeos


A Netflix não é apenas um dos melhores serviços de streaming de vídeo; é the serviço de streaming de vídeo. Há uma enorme seleção de filmes Netflix e programas de TV para assinantes e o desempenho é sedoso suave. Não é apenas restrito a antigos favoritos, como a Netflix produziu uma enorme quantidade de excelente conteúdo exclusivo - embora se você fosse algo como nós, você acabará de colocar o Office_ novamente. Isso é tão entretido quanto você pode obter de apenas US $ 9 por mês, ou US $ 16 por mês, se quiser acesso ao conteúdo 4K.

Google Play

Disney +.

A Disney é possível a maior biblioteca de propriedades cinematográficas e televisivas do mundo e elas são todas na Disney +. De Hamilton ao Mandaloriano, você encontrará algo para todos os membros da família. Como os peças de teatro são lentos para retornar todo o mundo, a Disney começou a usar a Disney + para grandes blockbusters como Mulan e Alma. Você também terá acesso a programas de televisão originais como a Marvel é o Falcon e o soldado de inverno. Há uma avaliação gratuita de sete dias, e custará US $ 6,99 por mês depois disso - embora você possa pagar US $ 70 por um ano de antecedência para economizar US $ 14. Em março de 2021, isso aumentou para US $ 7,99 por mês ou US $ 80 anualmente.

Google Play


Embora apenas lançado recentemente internacionalmente, Hulu tem sido uma das melhores plataformas de streaming. As principais mostra de rede atualmente no ar estão tipicamente disponíveis no dia seguinte em Hulu, bem como milhares de horas de conteúdo original e um catálogo de programas de TV licenciados. O Hulu oferece vários modelos de assinatura, incluindo um que abre toda a biblioteca de streaming por US $ 6 por mês, e outra que remove anúncios do meio-midstream por US $ 12 por mês. Se você está procurando cortar o cordão, Hulu também oferece TV ao vivo com DVR a partir de US $ 65 por mês, mas esteja ciente de que custa mais US $ 5 se você quiser avançar por meio de comerciais em episódios gravados.

Google Play

vídeo prime amazon

As guerras de conteúdo foram furiosas por mais de uma década, e toda plataforma traz algo para a mesa. A Amazon Prime oferece alguns originais fantásticos em sua plataforma de streaming, que também serve como uma grande base para seu extenso catálogo. Prime Video também permite adicionar todos os seus canais de assinatura favoritos ao seu feed. Também encontramos os melhores filmes no Amazon Prime para começar a assistir hoje se você estiver interessado.

Google Play

HBO Max.

Com as guerras de streaming mais quente do que nunca, a AT & T não estava prestes a deixar a Warner Media ir sem uma briga. HBO MAX lançado no verão de 2020 e traz com tudo, todos os audiências de conteúdo da HBO já estão familiarizados, com o benefício adicional do conteúdo original produzido exclusivamente para a plataforma de streaming. Em 2021 HBO Max anunciou que todos os filmes da Warner Property serão lançados em teatros e na HBO Max simultaneamente como estúdios clamor para o retorno sobre investimentos neste novo mundo de teatro, para que você possa pegar blockbusters como o Mortal Kombat a partir do conforto da sua sala de estar.

Google Play

Apple TV +

Usar um smartphone Android não significa que você não pode desfrutar de um dos melhores produtos atuais da Apple. A Apple TV + é a resposta da Apple para o setor crescente de plataformas de streaming. Com hits como o Emmy premiado lasso_, a Apple está se estabelecendo como um jogador sério na televisão e desenvolvimento de cinema para o consumo em casa. Eles se uniram com os gostos de Oprah, Príncipe Harry, Jon Stewart e incontáveis outros para desenvolver uma biblioteca respeitável e crescente de conteúdo.

Google Play

música e áudio


Spotify é provavelmente o primeiro nome que molda a mente quando você pensa em aplicativos de música - e por uma boa razão, pois é um dos melhores serviços de streaming por aí. Há uma massiva seleção de música em oferta, desde as últimas lançamentos enormes para atos de up-and-chegando. O Spotify também oferece suporte a vídeo para alguns dos melhores podcasts em sua plataforma. Há uma versão gratuita se você quiser experimentá-lo, mas se você quiser escutar livre de anúncios, para baixar músicas, jogar qualquer música, e ter skips ilimitados, então você precisará se inscrever por US $ 10 por mês, embora o Spotify ofereça uma avaliação generosa de três meses. O Spotify também oferece um plano familiar por US $ 15 por mês, uma conta de estudante a um custo reduzido de US $ 5 por mês, e uma conta "Duo" cobrindo duas pessoas na mesma casa por US $ 13 por mês.

Google Play

Musica Youtube

Com mais de 70 milhões de músicas na plataforma e inúmeras performances ao vivo, letras e milhares de listas de reprodução curadas, o YouTube Music oferece um concorrente honesto para os principais aplicativos de streaming de música por aí. Como os outros aplicativos de streaming, o YouTube Music oferece uma versão gratuita, mas suportada por anúncios, bem como uma assinatura paga para uma experiência de escuta livre de anúncios. Você encontrará listas de reprodução específicas de gêneros, conteúdo exclusivo e melhores gráficos em um só lugar.

Google Play


Com mais de 350 canais cobrindo um amplo espectro de gêneros e categorias, há algo para todos em Siriusxm. Os usuários podem ouvir canais streaming de um único artista ou cobrindo uma liga esportiva específica. De Pandora personalizadas para não um, mas dois canais HOWARD STERN, SiriusXM hospeda um mundo de conteúdo disponível dentro do aplicativo.

Google Play

Google Play Music

O serviço de streaming oficial do Google é um concorrente digno para o Spotify. Não apenas o aplicativo fornece uma vasta biblioteca de conteúdo, mas também permite que os usuários carreguem até 50.000 de suas próprias músicas para armazenamento on-line. Então, se você tem uma coleção de MP3s de antes dos dias em que o streaming foi a maneira normal de consumir música, faça o upload deles para o Google Play Music e transmite-os de qualquer um dos seus dispositivos móveis. Ser avisado, porém, não é longo para este mundo.

Google Play


É difícil acreditar que Shazam foi libertado há 19 anos, soprando nossas mentes coletivas e colocando o conceito de aplicativos e seu alcance diretamente no Zeitgeist. Hoje, a integração e os serviços de Shazam vão muito além do simples identificador de música que começou como. Shazam pode ser ativado passivamente para pegar músicas quando o aplicativo não estiver aberto. Depois de identificar uma música, você será oferecido ao vivo Lyrics para acompanhar, bem como a opção de adicionar às suas listas de reprodução da Apple ou do Spotify.

Google Play


Jornal de Wall Street

During these harrowing financial times and in a volatile macroeconomic environment, you’d be well served to stay up to date on the goings-on of our economy, markets, and financial news. The Wall Street Journal app places all this information in your pocket as well as the multifaceted award-winning journalism that’s been printed there since 1889.

Google Play

BBC Notícias

Whether you’re trying to follow international news, have friends or family in the U.K., or are just trying to stay in touch with newsworthy events stateside, BBC News has you covered. The BBC, an English government-funded news agency, has a long history of fair and moderate news coverage and is worth a look if you’re tired of American 24-hour news networks.

Google Play

NPR News

The official app of National Public Radio provides a steady stream of straightforward reporting in both print and audio. Users can listen to news reports and various NPR staples such as All Things Considered and Radiolab.

Google Play

AP News

The Associated Press has a long-standing reputation for being one of the least-editorialized news sources around, as well as being consistently on the cutting edge of breaking news. So, if you’re looking for your daily dose of news without the added fluff, then AP News on Android is the perfect accompaniment to your morning coffee. AP’s self-ascribed description says it best — it’s “where the news gets its news.”

Google Play

Notícias do Google

Though it may seem like a no-brainer, the Google News app is a worthwhile recommendation, thanks to its smart curation and diverse news feed. Google News puts together news from sources all over the world, which makes it likely that you’ll find your favorite news source from back home within its catalog.

Google Play


Feedly is another powerful news aggregator that places all your favorite news sources in one place. The Feedly app is home to over 40 million unique feeds and offers integration with all major social media platforms. It serves as a one-stop shop for your favorite magazines, newspapers, YouTube channels, and more.

Google Play


Yahoo Sports

With the Yahoo Sports app, sports fans can watch live NFL and NBA games while following all the scores and stats from all their favorite sports. Users can set custom alerts to make sure they stay apprised of the latest news for their chosen sports teams. Yahoo Sports also has exclusive opinion content from their sportswriters.

Google Play

Fox Sports

Get the same industry-leading coverage you can expect from Fox Sports television right on your smartph1. Track your favorite teams, players, and leagues, and watch it all unfold live from inside the app. The Fox Sports app offers a complete experience with bonus cams and angles of the game you caught on television, as well as up-to-date sports news.

Google Play


Having the official ESPN app installed is a no-brainer for any die-hard sports fan, especially if you have ESPN+. You can quickly get the latest news on your favorite teams and leagues, including MLB, NFL, NCAA, MLS, NHL, and more.

Google Play

Barstool Sports

Barstool Sports has grown into an empire comprising podcasts, journalism, and content focused on pop culture, politics, and many other topics. It still keeps its roots in sports coverage and commentary. So if you’re looking to not only see pundits discuss your favorite team but also get a chuckle or read the latest political news, then you’ll enjoy the Barstool Sports app.

Google Play

Mídia social


Essentially Vine for a new generation, TikTok is the home of short videos that are amusing, meme-laden, and just generally fit for easy consumption. What started as the app Musical.ly, geared at miming songs while dancing, has bloomed into one of the fastest-growing social media apps in the world. Its algorithm has become legendary as it curates content for you based on what you like and interact with, and there is now content on the app for all generations, hobbies, backgrounds, and interests.

Google Play


Instagram is ubiquitous in photography now, so you might as well have it on your ph1. Owned by Facebook, the social network centered on photos offers great filters and connectivity with others. Instagram has also been angling for younger market share with its TikTok competitor called Reels.

Google Play


The social network made famous for its disappearing photos has blossomed in recent years to become a full-fledged social media platform. With over 250 million active users, Snapchat is here to stay. Users can share snaps, stories, and their location on a map with close friends, as well as peruse the quality content of Snapchats biggest creators. From family chats, funny filters, or flirty messages, Snapchat is a platform for everyone.

Google Play



In today’s privacy-minded world, Signal provides an encrypted way to share messages and video calls. Whether you’re sharing sensitive work info or traveling abroad in a place with more prying eyes, Signal allows you to communicate privately and worry-free.

Google Play

Messenger & Messenger Kids

Facebook’s best feature is arguably its built-in messaging. Facebook now offers its messenger service as a stand-alone app, enabling you to chat with your Facebook friends and anyone in your contacts with the app installed — without having to be signed into Facebook or even have Facebook installed on your phone at all.

If you’re a parent, then Messenger Kids is a must-download on your child’s ph1. Messenger Kids might seem like it’s built for kids, but it’s really built for parents. With the app, parents have control over their kids’ contact list, and messages can’t be deleted — meaning that parents can check in to take a look whenever they want. Of course, there are some pretty sweet features for kids, like kid-appropriate stickers, GIFs, emojis, and so on.

Messenger Messenger Kids


The Google Play Store has no shortage of messaging apps, but WhatsApp’s secure end-to-end encryption and feature-rich interface mark it as one of the best. This cross-platform app lets you send and receive messages, pictures, audio notes, and perform video calling for free. A must-have for messaging addicts, travelers, and anyone with loved ones abroad.

Google Play

Pulse SMS

Pulse SMS is a dynamic, next-gen private text messaging app. While Android OS comes with its own proprietary messaging platform, Pulse promises to push the envelope in a mission to build the best messaging experience on mobile. The app features animations, suggested smart replies, delayed sending time so you can edit or cancel a message, and end-to-end encryption.

Google Play


Hugely popular among PC gamers and office workers, Discord is a place for messaging, image sharing, voice, and video calls. It features an intuitive interface that makes it easy to communicate and share with friends and co-workers. Discord is also home to countless communities where members with shared interests can hang out digitally.

Google Play



Tinder is the ultimate dating app for mobile users, thanks to its location-centric features. Regardless of what its reputation may be, it’s still a great way to meet people. Your next match could be a swipe right away.

Google Play


Hinge is the app “designed to be deleted.” By highlighting our most personal values, future plans, wants, and needs, Hinge focuses on bringing people together looking for serious relationships. The company also enforces a zero-tolerance policy on harassment, abuse, or any untoward behavior against their terms of service. Hinge sets out to provide an alternative to the fast-casual nature of many other dating apps and according to the company, four out of five users go on second dates.

Google Play


In a crowded market of dating apps, Bumble stands out with a dedication to starting genuine relationships. For heterosexual matches, women have to make the first move, so men are encouraged to make their profile as appealing as they can — but it’s women who have the ultimate say in whether to start a conversation or not. For those not looking to date, Bumble also offers a BFF mode, which is perfect for meeting and making new friends if you’ve just moved to a new city or are just looking for more connections.

Google Play


The dating app of choice for gay, lesbian, bi, trans, and queer people of all sorts, Grindr is one of the biggest dating apps around. Using it is simple — let the app know your location, and you’ll be matched with other nearby members so you can chat, swap pictures, and hopefully meet up in person.

Google Play



Don’t worry if you don’t have a Kindle — you can still read your ebook directly on your smartph1. From best-sellers to the classics, it’s all here, with more than 900,000 titles in Amazon’s store.

Google Play

Google Play Books

If you’re not a fan of Amazon, then Google’s Play Books is an excellent alternative. Google has a massive database of books to choose from, including all the classics — and you can even buy and play audiobooks too.

Google Play


Audible is the premier place to consume audiobooks on your Android device. There are thousands of audiobooks on offer, from classics to the most recent hits, and you get your first audiobook for free. A $15-per-month subscription gets you a credit per month to spend on any audiobook, and options for playback speed and cross-device syncing make listening even easier. There’s even a car mode for listening on the go.

Google Play


Barnes & Noble offers a wide-ranging digital catalog in the form of its Nook app. With over 4 millions eBooks, graphic novels, comics, manga and magazines, Nook offers an eclectic collection of content for practically any reader. By setting up profiles, the entire family can share a Nook account and keep track of everyone’s favorite classics and new bestsellers.

Google Play



Weebly is a powerful site and content creation app utilized by millions of users. This app lets you create and manage your online store straight from your Android device. Keep track of all the most important analytics for your e-commerce store from the Weebly app. Powered by Square, Weebly is a true workhorse in the mobile site development space.

Google Play


The Tumblr app makes it easy for you to share anything from anywhere. You can post any kind of content to multiple blogs, save drafts for later, schedule posts, and then join in the discussion.

Google Play


Wix offers a full service web publishing suite from domain name, to hosting, and web design. The Wix app can help you manage your websites right from your phone to keep track of your business or brand. You’ll be able to write and publish blog posts from within the mobile app. Wix offers a diverse set of features including payroll processing, online stores, and e-mail marketing campaigns. Wix aims to be a one stop shop for your online business needs.

Google Play



Steam is the biggest and most prolific community and storefront for PC gaming. Through the Android app, users can access the Steam community, browse the store, and purchase new games.

Google Play

Google Stadia

Google Stadia is Google’s platform to play games you own across multiple devices. Any games you own on Stadia can be played, paused, and continued seamlessly across Android devices and laptops. With the ability to stream games across devices, you won’t have to download the game onto each device, saving space and time.

Google Play


Roblox deserves a spot as an essential app because it is so much more than just a game. With over 160 million active users and representing more than half of all children under age 16 in the United States on the platform, Roblox has ballooned into an online universe reminiscent of the “metaverse” that purports to be the future of online life and interaction. Roblox is itself a platform for game development and is responsible for millions of children gaining an interest in coding and software development.

Google Play


While platforms like Facebook Gaming try their best to compete, Twitch remains the preeminent option for video game streaming and sports a growing roster of celebrity streamers. With the power of Amazon behind it, it’s unlikely Twitch will be dethroned anytime soon.

Google Play

Nutrition, cooking, and food


While the world of food delivery apps is vast, Grubhub is one of the best. Its seamless integration with local restaurant menus makes it one of the most user-friendly experiences in food delivery. If you’ve developed a recent taste for ordering in, then check out the options on Grubhub.

Google Play

MyFitnessPal Calorie Tracker

If you want to lose weight and get in shape, then you need to start counting those calories, and this app, from MyFitnessPal, is an easy, accessible, and completely free way to do it.

Google Play


The viral recipe videos we’ve all seen on social media are available on a convenient app. The Tasty app houses over 3,000 recipes with step-by-step instructions so users can create delicious meals for friends and family. Recipes on the app are sorted by occasion, difficulty, dietary need, and more. From healthy meals to indulgent dinners, Tasty has something delicious for every user.

Google Play

Calorie Counter by FatSecret

The calorie counter from FatSecret offers one of the most comprehensive nutrition and calorie-tracking apps supported on Android. The service has thousands of restaurant and grocery meals in its incredibly diverse array of existing foods with nutrition information attached. The apps lets you set goals, keep a food diary, and like most apps these days it includes a social angle allowing you to create a profile and share your progress with others on the platform.

Google Play

Fitness and health


The fitness sensation of Peloton is certainly hard to ignore. While the price of its bike or treadmill may be out of reach for some folks, its app offers a thorough library of workout videos with great production value and neat organization by fitness subject. The Peloton network also offers live classes by lively instructors and allows close health tracking to help keep you motivated. Peloton currently offers a 30-day free trial, and a full membership for the app without the bike will run you $13 a month, though compared to a private trainer or gym membership, it’s a fitness app that seems well worth it.

Google Play

Balance: Meditation & Sleep

Balance is one of the leading meditation and sleep aid apps on the app marketplace today. Balance offers guided meditation practice for both new and regular practitioners. By offering both single short meditations as well as 10 day practice programs, Balance has something for every level. Along with meditation, Balance offers sleep sounds and “Wind Down” activities with bilateral stimulation and controlled breathing to help you fall asleep.

Google Play


The FitOn app falls in the fitness app category of an at-home trainer in your pocket approach. With thousands of workouts on the platform including some led and taught by celebrities, users should be able to find a workout program for them easily. FitOn workouts cover a vast array of common categories such as Yoga, Meditation, HIIT, and Strength training.

Google Play


Strava is an all-encompassing activity tracking app with a focus on runners. With the Strava app, you can record routes, track workouts, and use it’s more in-depth features to track progress toward physical goals. Strava will help you measure and record your pace across a variety of activities like running, biking, or swimming, making it easy to see your progress over time.

Google Play

Sleep as Android

Sleep as Android is one of the biggest sleep tracking apps on Android, and there are a bunch of reasons it’s one of the best Android apps. You can track your sleep, movement, and snoring, you can play soothing noises to put you to sleep, and it syncs data with quite a few other apps and devices, including Google Fit and Philips HUE smart bulbs.

Google Play

Daily Yoga

Yoga is unbelievably powerful. It strengthens your core, increases flexibility and focus, and decreases stress. Plus, it can help you lose weight and stay healthy. This app will guide you through daily yoga routines of varying difficulty and length, and step-by-step, HD videos showing exactly how to do each pose.

Google Play



Taking a moment of calm can be crucial for your mental health, and Calm is one of the leading meditation and sleep-promotion apps in the Play Store. It has guided meditations, breathing exercises to reduce anxiety, sleep stories, and more. There are guides for beginners and experts alike, and while you’ll need to pay to get access to most, there’s still a lot here for free users who aren’t sure if they’ll enjoy it.

Google Play


Whether you’re looking to learn something new for work or just for yourself, Udemy probably has a course to help you. With over 130,000 video courses taught by expert instructors, you can use Udemy to pick up skills with coding languages, Photoshop, yoga, and even more. You can download individual lessons to learn on the go, and there’s an audio-only mode if you’d rather learn in places like the car. Most courses will cost you money, but there are deals and discounts available for many.

Google Play


Duolingo offers a free and approachable way to learn a new language. Through a mix of gamification, read and repeat, and a challenging but engaging skill system that the user has to climb through as they learn the new language of their choice. Duolingo offers a plethora of languages for English speakers, as well as some languages for native speakers of other languages.

Google Play

Fabulous — Motivate Me!

With science-based coaching as its backbone, Fabulous — Motivate Me! will help instill healthy, positive habits and routines into your life — everything from better sleep, sticking to a morning routine, finding time for creativity, daily meditation, losing weight, and more.

Google Play

Finances and money


Looking to save a little more money? Acorns helps you invest by rounding off your credit card or debit purchases to the nearest dollar. Once you’ve accumulated a little money, it’s easy to transfer the funds to your bank account. Acorns also offers retirement accounts like a Traditional IRA, so you can start saving for retirement now.

Google Play


Mint is our favorite money management website, but it also has a terrific app. Mint can keep track of multiple bank accounts or credit cards to help you stay on budget and out of the red.

Google Play


Venmo permite que os usuários enviem dinheiro gratuitamente. As transações podem ser enviadas para qualquer banco e ocorrer durante a noite. Isso torna o pagamento de seus amigos simples e rápidos.

Google Play

Credit Karma.

Acompanhar a sua pontuação de crédito e história é um inquilino-chave de boas práticas de finanças pessoais. O credit karma facilita a acompanhar sua pontuação de crédito das três principais agências de relatórios de crédito. O Credit Karma ajuda a rastrear sua utilização de crédito e puxões de crédito e pode fornecer um guia para melhorar ou reparar seu crédito, se necessário.

Google Play


Começando em sua jornada de investimento nunca foi tão fácil. Um aplicativo que você tem ouvido, sem dúvida, a Robinhood é uma plataforma livre de ações e crypto. É uma ótima maneira de jovens e iniciantes investidores para molhar os pés no mundo de Wall Street.

Google Play



O mercado ultra-mínimo e on-line de Depop leva pouco mais que uma foto para começar. Uma vez capturado, compartilhá-lo no Facebook, no Instagram ou no Twitter antes de atacar um acordo seguro com uma série de potenciais compradores através da função de bate-papo integrada.

Google Play


Há muito pouco que você não pode comprar ou vender no eBay. O aplicativo é completo e muito mais fácil de usar do que o site. Lance de itens, acompanhar suas ordens e vender todas as suas coisas indesejadas aqui.

Google Play

Shopping Amazon

Não há mais essencial um aplicativo de compras do que a Amazon. Praticamente qualquer coisa que você precisa, em qualquer lugar que você viva, e sempre que quiser, a Amazon tem. Com o aplicativo Amazon, você pode encomendar mantimentos pela Amazon frescos e todos os seus fundamentos através da Amazon Prime.

Google Play


O método de checkout online mais fácil no seu smartph1. Você poderá gerenciar sua conta do PayPal, enviar e receber pagamentos e muito mais. O aplicativo também pode notificá-lo de transações, oferecendo lembretes e alertas úteis quando você usa o PayPal como método de pagamento ou ter um projeto de lei.

Google Play

viagens e eventos


De propriedade da Expedia, o Hoteis.com oferece uma experiência de reserva de hotel simplificadas. Não só tem um programa de recompensa incrivelmente competitivo, onde os usuários recebem uma noite livre de hotel para cada dez eles reservam, mas também facilita a verificação de comentários, encontrar atrações locais e coordenar excursões durante a sua viagem. O aplicativo móvel do hotels.com torna a reserva e acompanhando suas reservas fácil e acessível.

Google Play

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Se você precisar chegar a algum lugar e não tiver rodas, pule no passeio de outra pessoa. Uber permite que você ligue para um motorista privado em sua cidade que o ajudará a chegar onde precisa ir. É toda a facilidade de um táxi, a um custo menor, e sem o fumbling por dinheiro no final.

Google Play


Se você se encontrar em uma nova cidade, simplesmente abra o EventBrite para encontrar uma lista personalizada de eventos recomendados em sua área. EventBrite pode curar uma lista de concertos locais, festivais e uma variedade de tipos de eventos para o usuário. Se você está na cidade por uma noite ou apenas se mudou para um novo lugar, use EventBrite para encontrar essa noite aberta ou ver onde as bandas locais estão jogando neste fim de semana.

Google Play


Forego a dor de cabeça de tentar encontrar e reservar um hotel, e, em vez disso, encontre um quarto aberto ou para casa para ficar em suas viagens. Os usuários podem procurar por acomodações, comunicar diretamente com hosts e reservar, tudo sem sair do aplicativo.

Google Play

Google Tradutor

Traduza fala ou texto entre mais de 70 idiomas com este aplicativo. Pode agir como seu intérprete, permitindo que você decifre sinais e menus e possibilite conversas de duas vias. Você pode baixar arquivos de tradução se você souber que ficará sem uma conexão de dados, e pode até traduzir sinais com o Google Lens.

Google Play



O TripAdvisor é o melhor aplicativo inicial, com milhões de recomendações e comentários de pessoas em todo o mundo, cobrindo as melhores coisas para fazer onde quer que você esteja. Planeje com antecedência com as ferramentas do TripAdvisor, permitindo que você organize suas reservas de hotéis, viagens de restaurantes e atrações. Você pode até mesmo reservá-los no aplicativo com o Google Pay Access. Também é ótimo quando você está viajando, graças ao apoio aos ingressos e reservas móveis.

Google Play


Desejando um microbrew decente, um burrito de café da manhã ou um bom latte? O Yelp irá ajudá-lo a coçar essa coceira. Ele é embalado com revisões de usuários, direções e dicas para quase todos os lugares, tornando-o inestimável para quase toda viagem.

Google Play


O StUBhub permite que você compre e venda ingressos para praticamente qualquer evento, de esportes a shows. O StUBhub protege seus usuários com sua "garantia de fanprotect", o que significa que você pode comprar e vender ingressos em seu aplicativo sem risco.

Google Play

Mesa aberta

OpenTable is the leading platform to get a table for date night at the new hot restaurant in town. With the OpenTable app, you can find your favorite eatery and make a reservation as well as add special requests and share the reservation with your invited friends. If you’re looking to discover a new place to grab a bite, OpenTable features reviews from thousands of businesses so you know where to go and where not to go. This app makes it easy to make, manage, cancel, and change your reservations right from your phone.

Google Play


GasBuddy offers a convenient way to find the best gas prices wherever you may be. More than just a price checker, GasBuddy also helps you log your driving habits, fill-ups, and miles. The app covers every major gas station in the country thanks in part to user-contributed data. You’d be surprised how short a drive away 10 to 20 cent cheaper gas usually is.

Google Play


Never get caught off guard by a car accident, broken traffic light, or speed trap again. Waze harnesses all the power of user summited information to help drivers avoid the common pitfalls of their daily commutes or long road trips. Waze is designed to get you where you’re going as quickly as possible by using up-to-the-minute live information to navigate. It will even help you find the cheapest gas along your route.

Google Play

Device performance

All-In-One Toolbox

The all-in-one toolbox is exactly what it sounds like. This app provides tools for storage management, file management, and other system management gadgets to help your smartphone run smoothly.

Google Play

Files by Google

Google’s Files app is an all-around excellent utility app that allows you to find files quickly and free up space on your ph1. You can also easily exchange files with other people close by with Files, similar to Apple’s AirDrop. While there are other similar Android apps on the market, Files is less cluttered and not bogged down with ads.

Google Play

Google Find My Device

Google’s official phone tracking service helps you locate your phone, remotely erase its data, and reset the screen lock PIN, and it works with any device associated with your Google account.

Google Play

Photo editing and management

Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom, a program built upon Photoshop, is an essential photo editing tool for photographers. The mobile app takes the features of the desktop application and puts them on your Android device.

Google Play

Adobe Photoshop Express

While not as feature-filled or extensive as the desktop version, Adobe Photoshop Express still offers an impressively wide array of tools for editing and creating images directly on your Android device.

Google Play


One of the original players in the photo editing space, VSCO sparked an entire movement and brought an iconic photo aesthetic to a generation of social media users. The VSCO photo editor offers a number of presets, vintage filters, and texture effects. VSCO also supports video editing for those longer video posts.

Google Play


The official app for one of the most procrastination-friendly sites on the internet. Browse through near-endless GIFs and images from almost any topic you can imagine.

Google Play

Google Photos

A centralized location for all your photos. Google Photos will automatically backup your photo libraries on your phone to your Google Drive, saving them in a special folder that only you can access.

Google Play

Documents, web, and email


It’s one of the most downloaded apps on the Play Store, and that’s for a very good reason. OfficeSuite is a full-featured alternative for Microsoft Office, and includes tools to view, edit, and create Word, Excel, and Powerpoint documents, as well as including support for various PDF operations. It’s an all-in-one solution for your document woes, and it’s free to get most of the features. OfficeSuite Premium gets you the ability to work on password-protected files, 50GB of cloud storage, the ability to export PDFs to other formats, and more.

Google Play

Google Drive

Downloading Google Drive should be a given. it’s one of the biggest sharing and cloud-saving platforms out there, with 15GB for free and the ability to access your files and photos wherever you might need them. It’s tied into Google’s other services as well, including Gmail and Docs, making it the natural choice for anyone invested in Google’s ecosystem.

Google Play


Dropbox is another cloud saving service, and while you think you have that covered with Google Drive, Dropbox is still useful to download and use, because it often works with many third-party apps Drive doesn’t. It only gives you 2GB for free, but if you use it primarily for smaller files you should be okay with that amount.

Google Play


Grammarly has grown above and beyond its key use case of email writing assistance and has grown into an integrated extension and app offering grammar and spelling suggestions or corrections for not only emails, but across all apps on your smartph1. Whether you’re composing a LinkedIn message, a text, or a Yelp review, Grammarly will help you maintain composure by perfecting your composition.

Google Play


Evernote brings together your schedule, to-do lists, and notes in one seamless experience synced across all your devices. The app makes it easy to jot down ideas and tasks as they come to you as well as attach multiple kinds of files to these notes including PDFs, sketches, photos, and more. You can use your camera to scan documents for your dashboard and share them across devices. Evernote promises to be a one-stop shop for your task and work organization needs.

Google Play


Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a multifaceted platform offering thousands of hours of educational material across every topic imaginable. If you’re working from home or find yourself with a lot of time on your hands, then Khan Academy should become your new go-to. Simply redistribute your TikTok hours to Khan Academy and you’ll be a rocket scientist in no time.

Google Play

Última passagem

LastPass remains the pre-eminent password manager across your devices. If you’re struggling to remember dozens of passwords, or wondering how you might pass on all those passwords in the event that was needed, LastPass is the answer. LastPass will securely store all your usernames and passwords as well as automatically sync with any devices on which LastPass is installed — as long as you have Premium access, that is. Premium access for use across all your devices is just $3 per month, and allows you to sync passwords across all devices, not just between the mobile or desktop apps (a new limitation on the free tier).

Google Play


Whether you’re looking for privacy when browsing or trying to connect to state-side work servers on a trip abroad, a VPN is a powerful tool that should be in every daily worker’s arsenal. Using a VPN adds a layer of safety when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks and protects your files and documents from would-be cyber attacks. NordVPN is a quality and secure VPN offering servers all over the world from which you can connect.

Google Play

DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser

DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser delivers exactly what it sounds like. DuckDuckGo promises a browser for the privacy-focused among us by preventing third-party tracking, forced use of HTTPS, and its beloved privacy-focused search engine among other features. This is a free product not for those who want private browsing for illicit purposes, but for those who believe online privacy should be a right and not a privilege. Unknown to most, it’s likely been years since you’ve seen a search result that isn’t first filtered through everything your browser knows about you through cookies. DuckDuckGo browser brings back the early days of the internet before it knew what you had for breakfast.

Google Play


Slack remains one of the biggest communication tools for businesses everywhere. Organize your teams and employees into channels to help with team productivity. Slack’s intuitive layout and ability to integrate workflows with other popular productivity apps such as Google Drive, Salesforce, and Dropbox make it a powerful tool to help get work done.

Google Play


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Campa de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campanha lançando mais cedo do que o esperado

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